
Course offering:

2024/1 2022/2 2022/1 2021/2
2021/1 2020/2 2020/1 2019/2
2019/1 2018/2 2018/1 2017/2
2017/1 2016/2 2016/1 2015/2



Code Name Degreesort descending Hours
PAMB-5070 Doctoral Thesis Doctorate degree * 60
PAMB-1111 Doctorate degree * 60
PAMB-5082b Doctorate degree * 60
PAMB-6011 Doctorate degree * 60
PAMB-5040 Introduction to Environmental Engineering Master * 60
PAMB-7007 Master * 60
PAMB-5065 Applied Statistics to Environmental Engineering Master * 60
PAMB-5015 Master * 60
PAMB-5072 Stochastic Modeling of Air Quality Analysis and Forecasting Master * 60
PAMB-5026 Mathematical Modeling of Atmospheric Pollutant Dispersion Master * 60
PAMB-5097 Master * 60
PAMB-5095 Master * 60
PAMB-5000 Planning and Control of Water Resources Master * 60
PAMB-5043 Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Master * 60
PAMB-5009 Water Quality Management II Master * 60


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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910